Understanding Challenging Behaviour (2-day super workshop)
The characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often manifest in challenging behaviour, causing school support personnel much distress as they struggle to understand and address the behaviors. Thankfully, there is a large evidence-base of effective instructional strategies to support positive behaviour in children and teens with ASD. This 2-day introductory super-workshop will prepare you to answer questions such as: For what reasons does challenging behaviour occur? How can I find out why my student is engaging in such behaviour? How can I limit the likelihood of challenging behaviour, both before it has occurred and after? Participants will walk away having learned the fundamental basics of how to make changes in programming that may lead to improvements in challenging behaviour displayed by students in their classrooms.
This workshop is appropriate for K-12 classroom teachers, resource teachers, learning support teachers, case-managers, and other professionals who are not yet familiar with assessment and intervention of challenging behaviour. The workshop is particularly beneficial for those who can attend as a school team (e.g., the classroom teacher, case manager, and EAs for a student with challenging behaviour).